Sustainable Food Center Mission
For 50 years, Sustainable Food Center (SFC) has been on a mission to improve access to fresh, nutritious food for all Texans. Our mission weaves together efforts to improve the health, land, and livelihoods of Texas communities by addressing food security holistically to build a sustainable food future for all. We accomplish this mission by designing programs and building partnerships across the Texas food system.
Mission Statement: Sustainable Food Center works to transform the food system to nourish our health, land, and livelihood.
Who We Serve
We serve two distinct populations through our work at Sustainable Food Center:
Community members who face barriers to food security and health equity, and
Underserved producers across Texas who support a robust and vibrant food system.
Our Vision
We are transforming Texas food to create a food system where people and the environment thrive. We envision a just and equitable food system where locally produced nutritious food and ingredients are the norm, and where the majority of local food is grown and raised in our own communities. At the heart of our vision is a circular economy that supports people and the environment through a just and equitable system of production, distribution, and consumption.
Our Core Values
Our values ground us in our work, steer our purpose, inform our decisions, and guide our interactions as an organization. They are our compass for ensuring we remain accountable to the people and communities for whom our impact is intended.

We take pride in what we do and hold ourselves accountable to one another and the communities we serve by being transparent, following through on commitments, and communicating outcomes.

We lead the way in transforming our food system by taking risks and implementing innovative approaches to achieve our vision. We embody a growth mindset and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and deepen our collaboration with others.

We are working every day to ensure the right of all people to access, grow, and consume nutritious and culturally relevant food. We acknowledge that our food system has been built on systems of oppression and prioritize serving marginalized communities and promoting inclusion through our work.

We center the voices, priorities, and wellbeing of the communities we serve in our work. We elevate community member input by providing open channels for feedback and collaboration.
From the
Ground Up
Sustainable Food
Center History
Sustainable Food Center has two origins: The work of the Austin Community Gardens, and SFC itself. The Austin Community Gardens started in 1975 as part of the YWCA, providing community garden space and lessons in gardening. Sustainable Food Center was formed in 1993 with a focus on food policy, access, and distribution. The two organizations merged in 2001 to consolidate administrative functions, reduce costs, and capitalize on their diverse talents.
The merger strengthened programming and laid the groundwork for
what SFC has become today.
SFC Expands
SFC deepens connections in West Texas, offering The Happy Kitchen / La Cocina Alegre® in Lubbock for the first time. Our statewide growth is paired with refreshed branding and clear, consistent communication.
Victory for Nutrition
SFC successfully advocates for $6M appropriation of State funding for nutrition incentives.
Double Up Food Bucks
SFC establishes Double Up Food Bucks Texas statewide coalition with regional expansion.
Restructuring New Vision
SFC conducts its first in-depth 9-month visioning process, resulting in a new mission, vision, and organizational structure. The new structure envisions a heightened level of local food production to support food diversity and access, while enhancing environmental sustainability in Texas.
Increasing Access
The St. David's Foundation Community and the JP's Peace, Love and Happiness Teaching Garden are launched, increasing access to gardening and farming knowledge for adults and children.
Moving to a New Location
SFC moves into its new center in the heart of East Austin after a $4.5 million Capital Campaign.
Snap Doubling
SFC offers the first SNAP incentive program in the state of Texas, matching food assistance benefits at SFC Farmers’ Markets, effectively doubling the amount of fresh foods recipients can receive with their SNAP dollars.
Revamping Sunset Market
SFC takes over the farmers’ market at Sunset Valley to support farmers and customers with improved market management and insights gleaned from prior work.
Republic Square
SFC launches the Austin Farmers' Market in Republic Square (now called SFC Farmers’ Market Downtown).
Merging to Strengthen
SFC merges with Austin Community Gardens to strengthen programs, integrate talents and consolidate administrative costs.
SFC & Texas WIC Partner
SFC partners with Texas WIC to distribute Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program vouchers to WIC eligible mothers.
The Happy Kitchen
SFC launches The Happy Kitchen/La Cocina Alegre® offering free, bilingual cooking and nutrition education.
SFC Founded
Sustainable Food Center is founded.
ACG Goes Non-Profit
ACG becomes an independent non-profit organization.
ACG Founded
Austin Community Gardens (ACG) is founded as a project of the YWCA.