
Triple Dollar WIC Day!

We are proud to announce the launch of our first ever Triple Dollar WIC Day at our SFC Farmers’ Market at Sunset Valley and Downtown on February 3rd!

So what is WIC and why are we doing a Triple Dollar WIC Day? WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a short-term intervention program designed to influence lifetime nutrition and health behaviors for low-income mothers who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum and children under the age of 5. At Sustainable Food Center, we believe that healthy food is a human right, so our markets should be accessible to everyone in Austin. By tripling WIC dollars for fruits and vegetables, we can ensure that healthy, local food is also affordable. On the first Saturday of each month, SFC Double Dollars will TRIPLE WIC monthly benefits so shoppers can buy even more fruits and vegetables from our Texas farmers. Here is how it works:

  1. BRING your WIC Card to an SFC Farmers Market
  2. TRIPLE your WIC benefits for fruits and vegetables ONLY with SFC Double Dollars.
  3. SHOP the market and get three times the amount of produce!

Did you know that we are the only Farmers’ Market in town that accepts both SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) AND WIC monthly benefits? Here are what customers have to say about our Double Dollars project:

Thank you for making this available. The markets would be unavailable to me otherwise!!

I am very grateful for the double dollars program. It helps me extend what little resources I have for food and makes it possible to get more fresh fruits and vegetables. Thank you so very much for this program, you are helping so many families!”

This is a great way to support and sustain local farming and business.

If that isn’t enough reason to visit the market on February 3rd, be sure to check out our “First Saturdays” at the market! We feature new vendors, children’s activities and as always we have live, local music and Taste the Place!

We can’t wait to see y’all there!