
SFC and Texas Episcopal Service Corps- a Match Made in Food Heaven

SFC has entered into its second year of partnership with the Texas Episcopal Service Corps. SFC has the pleasure of hosting a fellow for 11 months of service. Texas Episcopal Service Corps is a, “fellowship that encourages intentional mission community in the Diocese of Texas. The program provides the time and space for young adults, ages 21-30, to work for social justice, grow as leaders, and live in community”.

SFC is happy to welcome Cora Ezell to the team for an eleven month term of service. Cora joins us from Kansas and is working with the Farm Direct Team to program educational, health related and child friendly activities for the SFC Famers’ Markets. She will also provide assistance to market events, community activities, and more!

In a year of service fellows are paired with a nonprofit and given the opportunity to learn more about social justice issues facing Austin. With her work at SFC, Cora will gain a better understanding of Austin’s food system. Her year with SFC will not only provide a literal education, but will also provide her with professional experiences that will translate into her work beyond SFC.

Cora is looking forward to digging deep, rolling up her sleeves, and helping SFC work towards its mission. Stop by a SFC Farmers’ Market and say hello!