Sustainable Food Center

Our Mission
& Vision

For nearly 50 years, Sustainable Food Center has improved access to nutritious food for Texans. Learn more about what drives us to improve food access, support farmers, increase consumer purchasing power, and share knowledge and skills to give our communities the confidence to prepare delicious meals with fresh, local ingredients.

Big Ideas Take Root Here

Double Up Food Bucks Texas

Our statewide network increases access to farm fresh, local fruits and veggies through SNAP and WIC incentives.

The Happy Kitchen/La Cocina Alegre

Our cooking and nutrition classes provide the knowledge and skills to prepare nutritious meals that support health and wellness through diet.

SFC Farmers' Markets

Our farmers’ markets connect shoppers with local farmers, shortening the path from farm to table, increasing fresh food access, and increasing small business’ revenue.

Farmer Support & Resources

Our program helps farmers and ranchers with operational and business planning to improve access to markets.

Improving Access to Nutritious Food for All Texans

We support food access through policy, farmers’ markets and support, farm to school, nutrition incentives, and cooking education. We are leading food systems innovation across Texas.

Food Policy
& Advocacy

Our work touches federal, state, and local policies to increase opportunities for small-scale farmers and to improve access to nutritious options, especially for those who have experienced reduced access to fresh food. With a dozen or more ways to get involved, we invite you to participate in this rich part of our ongoing work.

Make Your Impact

Tax-deductible donations to Sustainable Food Center have a direct impact on local families and statewide policy. By influencing agricultural legislation, we support the farmers who produce nutritious food, and through our programming, we increase awareness, access, and use of available food.
