
The Splendors & Woes of Recipe Testing

Recipe testing is hard work. Don't worry, though. We've been spending weeks making an abundance of mistakes so that you don't have to. One of The Happy Kitchen's 2016 goals is the revision of our Fresh, Seasonal Recipes cookbook making recipe testing a must! Here are a few things we enjoyed most:

· Eating – we barely had to bring our own lunches!

· Trying new-to-us foods like tofu

· Experimenting with less popular ingredients such as jicama

· Culturally expanding our taste buds - we tried new flavor profiles such as Indian and Korean

· Having access to exceptional ingredients – we got to buy and use saffron

Recipe testing ensures that the instructions provided will deliver a delicious dish. We are confident you'll get just that from any experience you have with Fresh, Seasonal Recipes.

....and there are always dishes....
