
Make From-Scratch Mustard

Making mustard from scratch is incredibly easy and super satisfying! After only one attempt you will understand the basic process behind the hundreds of mustards at the grocery store—and then you can make something even tastier! All you need is mustard seeds and some pantry staples. Mustard seeds can be purchased in bulk at grocery stores and spice shops, and is a staple in East Asian markets, where mustard seed has both culinary and medicinal uses. Below is a basic recipe; once you get the hang of it let your tastebuds run wild--add some dried herbs, shallots, or your favorite wintery pale ale! The mustard will be very spicy at first, but after several weeks to a month in your refrigerator, it will mellow out. Whole grain mustard has countless culinary uses: from dressings and sauces to rubs and glazes. Did we mention it makes a great gift? To learn how to make mustard and other delectable hand-crafted treats, join us for one of our class offerings, held throughout the year on a variety of topics.

Grainy Prepared Mustard

From D.I.Y. Delicious

Makes 2 cups

  • 1 ½ cup liquid (mixture of vinegar and wine, champagne, or beer, champagne)
  • 1 cup mustard seeds (yellow or brown)
  • 2 – 4 tablespoons of sweetener (sugar, honey, maple syrup, sorghum syrup, agave nectar; optional)
  • Pinch of salt


Put the liquid, mustard seeds and sweetener (if using) in a non-reactive bowl (glass is good) and let soak overnight in the refrigerator.

In a blender or food processor (food processor being best), blend the mustard to the desired consistency. Depending on your equipment and inclination, this could take up to five minutes (believe me!). Don’t expect your mustard to be as smooth as factory made mustard.

Season with salt as you blend.

Transfer to mason jars. The mustard will keep, refrigerated, for up to three months (and probably longer since it has so much vinegar, which is a natural preservative!)

Note: If you don’t wish to use alcohol, replace the alcohol portion of liquid with water. Mustards made solely with vinegar are too overpowering.